Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tips on Sponsoring New Recruits

With the start of the New Year, it's always important to set goals for growth. If you consistently grow your team wide and deep, you will enjoy success. Here are some tips on how to get leads for potential recruits. Start the new year with fresh vision of growth and watch your team bloom!

1.  Take some time to go through training videos, calls and notes about recruiting and sponsoring. Keep the vision fresh in your mind, and see it come to pass!

2.  Keep an eye out for Rock Star hosts and hostesses, sign them up and have that party be their launch party. Get them to see your vision of growth and set goals with them to reach their fast track, shooting star and pacesetter awards as soon as they sign up! Get your team moving!

3.  Market and promote yourself in social networking as a Team Leader and Trainer. Get your vision out there and invite others to join your team and run with your team's vision!

4.  Reach out to some loyal customers and find out if any family members want to join your team and they can then support their family member as their loyal customer. Don't look at it as losing a loyal customer, but as gaining a new team member who will branch out and expand their customer base with your help and coaching.

5.  Share the business opportunity with everyone you meet. Talk about growth, share your vision and let everyone know you are looking for partners and team members who want to start the new year fresh. Share your vision and let others run with it and have a team that blooms!

6.  Host some events, attend some events and look out for those special people looking for a business opportunity. Share the benefits of your company, products, compensation plan and your training and coaching.  Share your vision of growth!

7.  Do a Recruiting Bltiz. Call past customers, hosts, hostesses, leads and let them know what your company is offering this month as a start up bonus, share the compensation plan and let them know you are sponsoring new team members and wanted to give them first hand information and option to joining your growing team this month!

8.  Lead others with your passion and be positive about the success you are having this new year with your growing team. Lead them, they will follow!

9.  Share and educate others about your product. When people see the benefits of your product, your passion about your product and how easy it is to share and sell, they will want to join and educate others as well. Share your passion!

10.  Seal the deal, don't let them think on it, close the sponsorship deal if they don't have any objections. There are people who are ready to join and are just waiting to be asked! Get those to  run with your vision of growth!

Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

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