Friday, November 29, 2013
More Tips For Building Customer Loyalty
As we try to build our business and our customer base, it is necessary not to neglect our current customers. If we want to strive on success and sales, we need to put some effort into building customer loyalty. I will work on a series of "Tips For Building Customer Loyalty" so check back often for a new blog on this topic!
Here is the second blog in this series.
Customer Service Reliability and Personality always counts!
1. Be reliable. If your order is shipped and you receive it by a certain date, don't wait too long to have it delivered to your customers. Be reliable. Let them know when you will be out delivering and make it a point to get their orders delivered to them as soon as you can! Customers count and they will keep coming back when they see your reliability.
2. Be sincere and grateful. Don't sound fake, but be sincere when you greet them, when you call for re-orders, when you deliver their product. Be grateful for their order and their support of your business. Be appreciative that this person has chosen to do business with you! Customers will keep coming back when they see your sincerity.
3. Be friendly with your returning customers. Make sure to remember their names and what they do for a living. When you get on a first name basis with your customers, you are building a relationship which will last. When customers can see you as their personal consultant "who knows me and cares for me" they will keep coming back.
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
Monday, November 25, 2013
Vision vs. Fear
Do you have your vision set for your business? Is it hard for you to reach your goals? Is fear deterring you from setting a clear vision and achieving it? Don't let fear become an obstacle to your future. If you can visualize it, you can achieve it!
Let's talk about vision. What is your vision? Set your vision, write it and believe it. According to Andy Stanley, author of Visioneering, a vision is a clear image of what could be that is nurtured by knowing that's how it should be. To me, a vision is more than a goal. A vision is what you see your future should be. A goal (long or short term) is a stepping stone or marker that allows you to see that you are heading straight for the vision you have set for yourself.
As Stanley explains in his book, your vision tells you "I could be this.... Maybe I could do this...." And that vision lets you know that that's how it should be! Vision is a preferred future. It's a point in destiny; your preferred future. Your vision requires change because it presents itself in contrast to a present you are living now - as is. A vision becomes reality when we take risks. It requires visionary people who, with heart, soul and passion, can see past what is in front (present) of them and to move past that and act upon the idea, the vision, that has been placed in their heart with much value.
When we talk about vision, that image, that preferred future, that point and place that you know it's where you want to be, that vision does not encompass only one area, it encompasses your entire life, future, and family. If you set a vision for your business, when you set it and see your preferred future, you see yourself, your family and those around you and those you can help and bless. That's why a vision has to do with passion and value. Because when you can see yourself in a preferred future, better than your present condition, you must know that it will not only affect you, but all those around you, and for the better!
Wikipedia defines fear as an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to pull far away from it and hide. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines fear to be afraid and to expect worry about something bad or unpleasant. defines fear as a distressing emotion caused by impending danger, evil, pain - whether the treat is real of imagined. When we talk about fear in our business, the fear that the majority of us face is the "imagined" kind, since I doubt we will have any impending real danger of dying or getting sick because of our vision or setting a goal. The fear that usually comes to deter us from achieving our vision is the imagined fear, the False Evidence Appearing Real type. It's the fear of failure, not doing my best, what will others think or say. And we come up with so many excuses to not act because of those fears. We "want" to sell, recruit, book parties, coach, train; but we find ourselves having to leave our comfort zone in order to achieve success in those areas. That's where the fear comes in, a distressing emotion of impending pain, the thing is that when it's imagined, it usually tends to be worse than it really is.
As Joyce Meyer puts it, take the focus off of performance - of being judged and criticized by others -that can paralyze us. Fear stops our own progress. If we make a mistake, we get up and try again. We are all human! We need to just stop focusing on how others will react, how we will perform, if we will be judged, if they say no.... we need to get that fear of failure out of our heads and just tackle those fears in order to conquer that vision, that preferred future!
Andy Stanley gives a few questions we should ask ourselves in order to see what those fears are exactly, to be able to tackle them. If we answer these questions honestly, we should be able to conquer those fears and begin to conquer our vision!
1. What are the things that are currently distracting you from your vision?
2. What plan of action will you take, what will you do about it?
3. Within your vision, what is your biggest fear? What is the worst that could happen?
4. If that worst happens, what would be the consequences?
If we answer these questions truthfully, then we will realize that we are prepared to handle the worst of the consequences. That should allow us to focus on our vision, knowing that if the worst were to happen, we know how to handle it and move on from it.
We must remember that the majority of times, the fear is in our heads and it isn't as bad as the worst scenario we could ever paint. Know that saying, you are your own worst enemy? Yes, and it's the fear in all of us that becomes that enemy. But when WE know what fear doesn't want us to know, that it's False Evidence Appearing Real, the battle is already won!
Speak your vision and expectations to those around you, to your team members. Let your team members know what their strengths and potential are and how they can use them to better enhance the quality of the team, therefore achieving the expectations that are set before them. Seek out the natural gifting/capability each team member has and let them be made aware of them, praise them for their future successes with those skills and strengths, let them know that they each hold an important place in your team and that they can achieve the expectations 100%.
I put this into work with my own team and I have discovered that when you give your team expectations, they know what they are striving for. I have seen results. I have written and declared my vision for my team for this specific month. And as a team, we all ran with it. Some successes were higher than others, but overall, the team ran with the vision, accepted the declaration and worked hard to achieve the expectation.
Continue to write your vision, set it clear and declare it.
It will come, I promise!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay..." - Habakkuk 2:2-3
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
Connect with me on Facebook
Monday, November 18, 2013
Tips For Building Customer Loyalty
As we try to build our business and our customer base, it is necessary not to neglect our current customers. If we want to strive on success and sales, we need to put some effort into building customer loyalty. I will work on a series of "Tips For Building Customer Loyalty" so check back often for a new blog on this topic!
1. Offer Customer Incentives. Give your customers a reason to be loyal to your business and come back for more! Offer a Free gift with purchase or a buy 5 get one free, or even a preferred customer program where after placing a certain number or orders with you, they get a free product. If you can offer free shipping or discount for ordering personally with you, include this as a customer incentive. Be creative and come up with your monthly incentives for your customers and watch them come back for more!
2. Do follow-up and courtesy calls. Don't just call a customer to see if they need more product, call them to see how they're doing, to check up on them, to find out how the family is doing. Try to always remember an event that will be going on with them and call back to check in and ask how it all went. They will see you are interested in them and not just their business, and they will come back for more! Facebooking, texting and emails are good, especially when we live in a fast paced society, but a phone call is a building block!
3. Provide excellent customer service. Each company has policies, but as consultants or representatives, there are things we can do to go the extra mile for our customers. Don't hesitate in providing the best service you can when it comes to questions about exchanges, returns or unsatisfactory purchases. When our customers see us go the extra mile for them, provide them a small thank you gift, or from time to time send them a little something for their wait or just for placing an order, they will come back for more!
Stay tuned for more tips!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
Monday, November 11, 2013
Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself About Your Business
How are you treating your business?
By using this list of questions you should be asking yourself, and by answering with honesty, you will see exactly how you are treating your business.
Determine if you're treating your business as a business, with professionalism by having this question checklist with you always!
What do you expect from your business?
How do you present the business opportunity to others?
How do you present yourself to others?
Do you have your products in your home, car, office, or on yourself if possible? Do you use them? How much or how often?
How do you package and deliver your orders?
Do you write 'thank you' on the receipts?
What do you do constantly for your business?
What responsibilities can you delegate to your spouse/family to help you get that needed time each day for your business?
Have you sat down with your spouse and/or family members and told them what your goals are and why you are doing what you are doing?
What is working?
What isn't working?
Have you been evaluating your actions?
Have you implemented a business schedule to fit around your work schedule?
Are you staying true to your work and business schedule?
No more excuses! Be honest with your responses and fix the things that need fixing. Treat your business as a business and watch how it will grow!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
Saturday, November 2, 2013
F.O.C.U.S. and get back to basics so your business will thrive! No matter where we are on our business adventure and journey, here are some things we need to do with consistency to get back on track and enjoy the ride!
F.O.C.U.S. Can you FOCUS on your journey to results?
Follow One Course Until Successful
Keep focused on your business and your journey. Sometimes when we lose focus on our business, or focus on other things thinking we can "multi-focus", usually we end up changing our priorities and sacrificing our vision and our focus and we lose time, momentum and motivation. When we focus on our priority, when we put our vision first and we Follow One Course Until Successful, we will be able to give out attention to other things because our #1 priority will be on the right track.
If we have lost track or focus, here are a few things we can do, consistently, to get back on track and stay on FOCUS until we can take on other things.
When we plant seeds and cultivate CONSISTENTLY, we get back to basics and we SUCCEED!
Are you SHARING your business every day or are you missing opportunities to share with others? Are you collecting new customer info on a daily basis? The only way to grow is to go! Go and share!
Are you CREATING opportunities? Are you creating parties, open houses, events, or recruiting opportunities and asking everyone around you to attend, buy, host or join your team?
Are you OFFERING everyone all the benefits your company has when it comes to buying (deals & specials), hosting (free or half off), joining (change of lifestyle)? Are you offering all the benefits your products have to show for? You can change a life just by offering these benefits to everyone!
Are you EXPANDING your customer base by offering special monthly deals like a product of the month club? Expand and keep your customer base by creating personal deals and offers for those returning customers.
Are you SETTING your goals and SEEING your vision grow? Always re-visit your reason for joining your company and what you expect from it. If you're not seeing results, then re-examine, re-evaluate and change your course of action.
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
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