Monday, December 14, 2015

More Recruiting Tips

If we take these tips and make them part of our daily lives, recruiting will become second nature to us and we will be growing our teams non-stop! A new year is a new opportunity to share your passion and blessing to all those that are looking for something new, something to help them with their current situation. Open your eyes and ears and.....

ASK: Who do you you know that likes nice things, loves a party, loves a bargain, needs extra $$$, loves to travel, needs a career change? Then......

LISTEN: Too many times we "over-sell" and talk too much when we need to be quiet and listen. Asking a question stimulates the thinking process. Be still and LISTEN to that process. If your customer is not stimulated, ask again, then wait for an answer. NOW.....

WRITE IT DOWN:  Keep a notebook in your purse for prospecting. Napkins and matchbook covers just won't do. Always ask the prospect when is the best time to contact. Who do you ask? Your best prospect is your hostess. Always refer to your guest list, too. Next are your guests and outside orders, then ask EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE - banks, stores, restaurants, waitresses, ask EVERYONE who has a neck and earlobes!!!

DID YOU DO ALL THESE THINGS? GOOD, then be sure to do the most important step for success:

FOLLOW-UP: There's that ugly word. Why? 80% of all sales are made after the 5th call and you won't be the exception. If you are not following up, you are working only 20% of your business. WHY? Do it while your prospect is still excited! WHY? Before someone else calls to recruit her! WHEN? Within 24-48 hours so she's still excited! So that you can give your hostess as many credits as possible. 90% of your business is lost to lack of follow up. Procrastination is deadly! You can't afford to throw away your future business because of laziness.

GET EXCITED: Many Consultants "think" they are selling products. I hate to dissapoint you but you do not sell the product, you represent it. You sell yourself by your following up and your enthusiasm. SELL THE SIZZLE! Do not spend your precious time at your show explaining what every product is made from or how it is made, instead explain how your products can benefit their lives. Help them to feel the emotion, the SIZZLE! Simply present your product attractively, be attractive yourself in that you care about your customers and SMILE! Now that's exciting! If you are not excited, no one else will be. GET EXCITED! Enthusiasm is contagious! Pass along the benefits of joining your team while selling the product at the same time!

This great training was provided by Amy Wells, Scentsy Director!

  Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook

Becoming a Successful Consultant

It seems fairly simple. How do you become successful in your business? You just need to work your business daily. Daily actions do yield results! It has been said time and time again. Follow a simple course of action because at times, less is more!
Here are some basic tips to work your business. Of course, these tips are geared for Scentsy Consultants, but can definitely be applied to all Direct Selling Companies! 

1. Go out and brand yourself and approach people. Get their information by branding yourself and starting a conversation with people. Find something to compliment them on and build trust.
2.  Follow Up. Once you do get their info, follow up. It takes 5-8 or more times for a customer to buy/host or join.
3.  Send them a thank you, send them an email, text, mail something nice for them to enjoy.
4. Offer a Demo Warmer to experience at their home or office.
5.  Present the pouch party as an option for them to smell the scents and see if any family/neighbors or co-workers are also interested.
6. Woo your new customers, let them get to know you, and your product. Courtship takes time, building relationships does not happen over night. Relax and stay focused on your end result.

This  training was given by Becca Levie, Scentsy Super Star Director and mentor!

  Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook

December Ideas to ROCK your Personal Volume & Team Points

These are all great ideas to incorporate during December. It's the last month of the year, use the momentum to finish the year strong! These ideas are using Scentsy products as an example, but can most definitely be used with any Direct Selling Company.

1. Customer Challenge.  Contact 5 past customers or make 5 new customers each week for the first 15 days of the month and offer them the chance to buy/host/join. Have sponsoring and hosting conversations and build your customer base!

2.  Christmas Buddy Campaign. (Or a specific product your company offers that you can target to Moms)
Mass Message/text 40 Moms/Grandmas/Aunties (make a list of 40 of your friends):
Hi   ,
I am ordering a bunch of Scentsy Buddies this week for everyone to get in time for Christmas and to guarantee they don't sell out. Just wanted to see if you want one! They range from $25 - $35  each and come with a Scent Pak of your choice.
I can add it to my next party order to save you on shipping making a ship direct for $5.00.

Just let me know if you want one by _________ of December.
I'm here for your Christmas, gift giving Scentsy needs.

3.  12 Days of Christmas Sale- Depending on your budget or you stock/inventory, offer deals during the first 12 Days of Christmas to push sales and increase your PRV. Remember personal sales can only be offered personally, not publicly. You can post "Ask me about my 12 Days of Christmas Sale". Using Combine & Save Products or Closeout Items is always great!

4.  Make Gift Baskets/ Gift Sets from your personal stock and sell them to locals who need last minute gifts. You can then purchase more items for your personal stock to help increase PRV for the month of December.

5.  Increase your own PRV by purchasing products for teachers, doctors, and those on your list that have not experienced Scentsy yet. Purchase from the Sale/Closeout section and make small gift bundles for teachers and community helpers. Also, purchase some gifts for your best customers and hostesses this year. Remember you get your commissions off of your own purchases, so it's better to give Scentsy because you're earning commissions off of each personal purchase! :)

  Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook