Thursday, September 17, 2015

Home Party Do's!

Parties! A Direct Seller's Best Friend! The question is: What can I do to make sure my parties are a success? Here are Home Party Do's. Use this checklist on your next party and be sure to get results you are looking for. Tweak, revise, re-evaluate and be creative with these Do's!

Listening 101:
Level 1 - I don't listen, I talk, pause and think about what I want to say again.. all about me!  DON'T!
Level 2- All about the other person, listen, ask questions, be curious... all about them!  DO!

Do set a goal to get as many bookings per week as your schedule will allow. Don't be afraid of parties, they're a Direct Seller's best friend!

Do be creative when it comes to party referrals. Keep an eye out everywhere and ask everyone! ( Party referrals and creative bookings ex. grocery store, random customers, friends).

Do make your parties a fun experience, not about the products! 70% fun and 30% product.

Do create an unforgettable experience so you can get more referrals. If it's not fun, they won't come or book!

Do examine how you do parties and be willing to make a change and shift based on re-evaluation and results. Be open to change!  Duplicate these tips with your downline.

Do have passion, and change your focus in your parties! Make it about the guests, not about yourself.

Do share your product and how it will improve their lives, connect and establish relationships with THEM. Focus on them and their experience.  Focus on creating a fun experience!  Don't go to just sell your product!

Do get everyone involved since the beginning. Use visual props, play games. Give sponsoring and product commercials in between the activities. Let guests know you will be giving commercials about the product. Tell them about the commercials and they'll be ready to hear them!

Let them know you appreciate them taking the time out of their schedules to come to the party and that you want THEM to relax, de-stress from their day and have FUN!

 DO ALWAYS REMEMBER "It's not about ME!"

This was taken from a training given by Julie Ann Jones in 2012.
For more information on Julie Ann Jones and her training, visit her website.

  Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

4 Steps To Fun Parties!

Parties! A Direct Seller's Best Friend! The question is: Are my parties fun?  Fun parties = success. How do you know if your parties are fun? Here are 4 steps in making sure you throw fun home parties that will keep your hosts and guests coming back for more!

Home Party Lesson 101:

Have your host pick a theme!  Mexican Fiesta, Chocoholic BYOC,  "Choc luck", Girls Night Out, Mom's Night Out, etc... fun = better!

1. Connect with guests and host.  Give them time to relax, breathe and enjoy once they get there.  10-20 minutes at the beginning taken to mingle, relax, let them settle in, learn about them, ask them questions, get them some drinks... LISTEN TO THEM!  
Transition: Ok, so let's grab a seat and get going let's "smell some awesomeness"! (or target your products)
Do On Time Drawings, don't worry about it starting late. Let go of your own agenda!!

2. Show up as yourself authentically.  Be yourself! You're more comfortable when you're you! You do a better job with sharing your products. People sense when you're comfortable and they tend to trust you when they see the real you. You need to know that not everything will come out perfect.  It's better not to be perfect because people can relate to you better. If you make a mistake, claim it and move on!

3. Get your guests involved from the beginning. Give them permission to get involved! They're not supposed to sit quietly and listen to your presentation. It's a party! Let them talk, get involved and relax. Tell them they're going to get involved.  Ex. the hokey pokey  put your whole self in!

4. Keep it visual.  Keep your guest's attention. They are visual learners.  What you say to your guests sounds Blah Blah Blah, you want to make it as visual as you possibly can.  Use props. Show them what they get if they host. Don't just tell them. (page in a catalog, or boxes of products). Use props during opportunity commercials.  Why bag?  Pass the bag around and have things inside explaining why you do what you do! Pic of kids, tax benefits, free travel, free prizes... 


This was taken from a training given by Julie Ann Jones in 2012.
For more information on Julie Ann Jones and her training, visit her website.

  Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook

Saturday, September 5, 2015

7 Keys To Profitable Social Media Popularity

Direct Sellers use Social Media daily in their business.  There are keys to profitable social media actions that will generate results. 
As Consultants, these 7 keys to profitable social media are sure to grow your customer base and get you some profitable results!

1.  Craft yourself. Cultivate your best self and put it out there.  If you are an image consultant, you should follow your advice and your picture should be the representation of what you're selling.
Be careful what you put out there on social media, because you are representing what you sell. If you don't look like what you want people to see, they won't buy.

2.  Share your story. Be effective with your story. People pay attention to stories.  Why did you choose this company? What has this company or product done for you? Build your story and share it!

3. Do your promotional messages build trust? Your content should inspire, engage, inform, entertain, educate.  Build trust and inspire sales and people will respond.  Share stories to engage your social media contacts. Focus on what's most compelling about your products.  Move people to getting on your mailing list by offering promotions, gift giving guides, new product information sheets

4.  Use multiple messages to promote your business.  Get leads from as many markets as you can.  Open up multiple ways of promoting to have multiple ways of reaching people. Not just one or two social media markets. 

5.  Remember to use a call to action. Give the audience a next step to take. When you create amazing content, you need to tell the reader what to do next. "You want more tips? Sign up for my newsletter."  Don't just ask for action without giving useful content. Don't ask  people to come to your party without giving them a good content - why would they want to attend your party?  Give them a good tip about your product.

6.  Track and measure. Collect numbers and data about your business. Tracking your business moves it from "feeling" to facts.  Monitor your facts to see if you're increasing contacts, sales...  Tracking is used to make solid business decisions. Measure how many people you are consistently reaching on a monthly or weekly basis. Newsletter subscribers, referrals, potential customers into actual buyers. Each month look at your new contacts and see by how many your new contacts has grown.  Work on those results.  Don't base it on your feelings, look at the facts.

7.  Do more of what works.  Pay attention to the numbers and the success.  If you get new referrals that buy, continue to improve your referral relationships and offer those new referrals benefits. Concentrate on what's working and build on that. Do a promotion, see how the numbers go up with contacts, referrals, bookings, sales and run with it.

This was taken from a training webinar by Rachna  Jain  -  Profitable Social Media in 2012.
Visit Dr. Rachna Jain's website for more information on her training. 

  Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook

My #1 Reason for choosing Scentsy


My #1 reason why I work from home and why I choose Scentsy!

 ‪#‎ichoosescentsy‬ ‪#‎MichelleAromaMia‬ ‪#‎ScentsyButterflyEffect‬

Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Top 3 Social Media Marketing Mistakes

When dealing with Social Media Marketing and Networking, sometimes Consultants focus on the wrong things. Theses mistakes can ultimately cost us customers, parties and new team members. When we shift our focus from one aspect of network marketing to the other, or when we focus on marketing a different way, we will see results! 
Are you making these Social Media Marketing Mistakes?

Are you:
Focusing on offers instead of benefits? 
Consultants make offers, but don't give the customers a compelling reason to buy!  Don't make the focus towards the consultant, make the focus always towards the customer / hostess benefits.

Treating each month as an isolated marketing event? Are you starting from zero each month?  Don't do this... Prep people for future months. Develop a strategy... Use social media as your plan to fill in your monthly calendars ahead of time. Don't see your business as a month to month thing, use social media to get people excited for what's coming in the next months. People tend to remember more of those things that are unfinished or not complete. So use social media to get bookings and customers for the following months. "Stay tuned for December, something is coming up in December..." and it gets everyone intrigued!

Giving offers without capturing names and emails from potential customers?
Email marketing is the best way to make money and getting a customer base. When you make an offer, offer a compelling reason for them to want to opt in and give you your email and contact info.  Every time you put something out, people should have an option to receive an email to get what you have to offer.  Offer a Gift Giving List during the Holiday Season; offer a Top 10 Best Selling Product Guide each catalog Season; offer an Exclusive New Charity Product Information Sheet.   Capture their attention, get their contact info and add them to the mailing list.
Don't post the same thing over and over again. Post new updates so people are interested!  

This was taken from a training webinar by Rachna  Jain  -  Profitable Social Media in 2012.
Visit Dr. Rachna Jain's website for more information on her training. 

  Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life. 
Go get it!  -Michelle Perez

If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!

Connect with me on Facebook