Thursday, October 31, 2013
S- Sharpen your skills. All skills in all areas of your life are for you to shine!
H- Honor all commitments to your customers, family, friends and activities!
I- Important impressions count always. Do your best to make a great first impression!
N- Never let go of your dream!
E- Enthusiasm and excitement about what you do should be seen everywhere you go!
Commitment brings success! Be committed to train, learn and educate yourself and others!
Your dream keeps you going even when you don't see anything!
Change the circle of influence of people around you!
Overcome your fears!
YOU may be the only brand of your company someone meets, so represent and have passion!
See you at the TOP!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
S- Sacrifice. Give up something for your vision. Sacrifice & prioritize now, enjoy later!
P- Push. Pray Until Something Happens!
A- Action. Take action daily, plan your work and work your plan!
R- Rise. Raise the bar, raise your expectations and rise to the occasion!
K -Knowledge. Knowledge is power; be hungry for more always; read, train, learn, succeed!
L- Love. Love unconditionally. Open your heart and remember love never fails!
E- Expectancy. Expect rejection and forgive them. Expect success and triumph. Expect to try and try again!
Respect your own business and others will respect it. Walk the extra mile in customer service, go out of your way for others and they will do the same for you!
Invest the time, do the work. Your vision evolves and grows each time you plan and reach goals. Embrace the goals, embrace the incentives the company puts out in order to promote and see your success!
See you at the TOP!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Business Basics For Organization
Finding yourself a bit overwhelmed by trying to balance your business with other areas in your life? Organization is a necessity when building a Direct Sales business. Here are some tips to help you organize yourself better.
- Set specific business hours and let your customers and team know about them. Separate your business time from your personal time. Teach everyone to respect your hours, including your family.
- Screen calls, as a business owner everyone should know you're busy and will return their call at your earliest convenience.
- Have an office space available for yourself. It does not have to be big, but it has to be YOURS!
- Organize your space. Size does not matter. Learn to discipline yourself to always organize your space.
- Establish boundaries. If you can't, then say sorry I can't. Learn to say no if you can't!
- Take time off without feeling guilty. You don't need to work your business 24/7 to be effective. Learn to take time off for your family and yourself, that is part of improvement.
- Learn to schedule your time - business, family and personal. Include your personal and family activities in your business calendar that way you know when you can schedule parties, meetings, etc... without interfering with family or personal time. Schedule some "me time" once a month, be by yourself and enjoy it!
- Always keep your family life and business life balanced. Learn to recognize the need of each and learn to give the needed time for each.
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
Friday, October 25, 2013
Manage Your Team Effectively: Quick Tips for Success
Here are some quick tips to effectively manage your team. Of course we each have our own individuality and personality, but if we remember these tips and work with our team closely, we will establish a better communication and the team will produce and improve its performance!
1. Know your team members. Get to know them personally.
2. Email a Team Newsletter. Let them get to know you and each other and what the team is doing.
3. Know their goals. Offer to help them in setting their goals and achieving them.
4. Know who your monthly Active Consultants are.
5. Keep your Consultants connected no matter where they are. Help build the bridge of relationship.
6. Open lines of communication between your team and be open to their suggestions.
7. Send notes to congratulate your team members when they reach a promotion or a goal.
Remember that when performance is measured, it improves!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Connect with me on Facebook
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Stop! Think! Don't! 5 Don'ts For Direct Sellers!
For all Direct Sellers, there are 5 negative actions, or DONT'S we need to avoid. If you find yourself doing one of these, then Stop! Think! and Don't! Just change the negatives into a positive and see success!
1. STOP over analyzing what you should be doing and just go do! When we think about the actions we should be taking, we tend to feel guilty about not getting it done. Stop thinking about what should be done and just get to going! Start with a list of 6 daily actions or spend your first 15 minutes in some Income Producing Activity and take that momentum into your day! Just Do!
2. STOP spending more time on the computer than meeting new people and making connections! The way to build a customer base and customer loyalty is to let people get to know us. A smile, a hello, a conversation, face to face, goes a long way. Get on the phone and call past hosts/hostesses and customers so they can hear a "live voice" and always have a smile even when talking on the phone!
3. STOP wasting your first morning hours on things that are going to stress you out or worry you. Spend your first morning hours doing things that will build your day, your momentum, that will get you into a positive mood. Read a book, pray, listen to music, write, do what you enjoy best during the morning hours instead of focusing on chores or things you "need to get done" but are not going to set a positive mood for the remainder of your day.
4. STOP saying you're trying your best and giving it your all, just get out there and do it. Show everyone how you're doing it. Lead by example and the rest will follow. If you just say you're trying your best, chances are you're not really putting all the effort you could be putting in by getting out there and doing!
5. STOP making excuses and over thinking why you're not working your plan, and just do it! If you need to follow up with customer calls, don't make excuses, just do it. Set a specific time daily or weekly and make the calls. If you need to send out customer emails, don't make excuses. Whatever daily or weekly Income Producing Activity you must accomplish to target your goals and plan of action, do it, don't hesitate, over think or excuse yourself.
Those were the 5 Don't s, now in case you haven't figured out what the 1 Do is, here it is: JUST GO DO!
"Successful people aren't born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don't like to do. The successful people don't always like these things themselves; they just get on and do them." -- Unknown
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Buscando A Los Latinos Para Que Se Unan A Scentsy
!Unase a mi equipo Scentsy!
La filosofÃa de Scentsy de Simplicidad, Autenticidad y Generosidad nos ha convertido en una de las compañÃas de mayor crecimiento en la industria de ventas directas. Y... ¡lo invitamos a crecer con nosotros! Como Consultor independiente Scentsy, disfrutará de horario flexible, libertad económica y la satisfacción de presentar productos en los que cree.¡Conozca más sobre mÃ!
En Scentsy no sólo reclutamos Consultores, sino que además los patrocinamos, les ofrecemos apoyo y los asesoramos. Usted tendrá un patrocinador personal y acceso a nuestro foro de Consultores y entrenamiento en lÃnea. También, le enviaremos una GuÃa de Comienzo de Nuevo Consultor, productos promocionales y materiales de marketing. Nuestro departamento de Apoyo a Consultores se encuentra disponible los dÃas de semana de 5 am a 10 pm. Además, realizamos una Convención anual y brindamos entrenamiento en distintas temporadas, asà como eventos para establecer contactos en todo Estados Unidos. Y tambien estamos en Mexico, asi que puedes patrocinar familiares en Mexico para que ellos tambien hagan crecer su negocio.
Y eso no es todo. Cada Consultor Scentsy además recibe un sitio web gratuito por 3 meses completos (después $10 por mes), una Oficina Virtual en lÃnea gratuita para organizar y administrar su negocio, procesamiento de tarjeta de crédito gratuito, no tiene que administrar inventario, no hay tarifas por el uso de tarjetas de crédito y envÃos gratuitos en las órdenes de pedido superiores a $150.
Por sólo $99 (más impuestos y gastos de envÃo, $119 CAD) Scentsy le enviará un Kit de Comienzo que incluye todo lo que necesita para organizar su primera reunión Scentsy, y todo estocabe en una conveniente bolsa de compras. La estructura de precios de Scentsy es tan simple que ¡jamás necesitará usar una calculadora!
Conozca más sobre el Kit de Comienzo Scentsy.
Yo personalmente hago los entrenamientos y te ayudare a logara exito en tu negocio.
Si tienes alguan pregunta, contactame hoy para ayudarte y establecer tu negocio!
Espero escuchar de ti y juntos poder ver el exito en nuestros negocios!
Michelle Perez, Consultor Independiente de Scentsy Family
Directora Futura402-591-0468
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Blog de Negocios
Thursday, October 17, 2013
5 Bare Business Necessities
You can call them tips, characteristics, habits or even necessities, but they are sure to help your business succeed!
1. Always have a clear vision and clear goals. What do you see and want for yourself? What are your immediate goals? How do you want to achieve them? With a clear vision and attainable goals, you will succeed. Ask yourself these questions: Why did I join this company? What benefits did I first see when joining? What do I want for myself and my family? These should help you establish a clear vision of where you see yourself in the near future and how to establish and attain goals that are related to your business.
2. Always have good work ethics. Focus yourself on your work, knowing that all Income Producing Activity you spend on your business will get you results. Don't think that because it's "my business" that you don't need to work at it as much as you would a 9-5 job. You need to work consistently at developing a good customer base, a good host/hostess program or base, a good, efficient team and that all happens when we lead by example and work our business professionally, consistently and ethically. When you lead by example, others will definitely follow!
3. Always build yourself in order to build others. Develop people skills, communication skills, leadership skills in order to make your business and team grow. When you build your communication and people skills you will find yourself looking for team members who are like minded as you are, who are willing to succeed and who will work hard at achieving it. When you train yourself and are in a constant learning stage, you will be able to train and teach others knowing that you are constantly gaining information to share with those around you. Awaken others' emotions and find those stars that will be successful on your team!
4. Always be results-oriented. Look for solutions to any problem you see. When we are problem-oriented we find negativity in everything and it gets very hard to attain goals because we cannot see the solutions or create solutions. When we set standards of excellence and drive our business based on our character and ethics and not emotions, we will become solutions-oriented and will be able to coach, consult and train others. Find a way or make a way!
5. Always have fun and enjoy your journey! It's your business, enjoy it! When you let it become too stressful, you have lost your focus and the previous 4 necessities listed above. Go back to having fun, enjoying your journey and focusing on changing your life. If you get to this step and find yourself not enjoying your journey start focusing on numbers 1-4 and decide to make your business your adventure! You will see success at every corner, with every new person you meet!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Preparing For Lift Off - 4 Building Blocks For Business
When your dreams and vision become your purpose, you have lifted off! Here are 4 building blocks to prepare your business for that lift off! Ready, Set, GO!!!!
1) BALANCE - Balance your life and business. Discipline your time and priorities between your family life and activities and your business. Balance your business by working each area and giving some allotted time to the areas that will drive your business to success and promotions. Book-Sell-Book-Recruit-Book-Coach
2) BUILDING BASES - Build a deep and wide customer base by always meeting new potential customers and contacts, and also getting referrals, booking parties and appointments. These bases will always help your reach your sales goals.
3) BUILDING BRIDGES - Build a relationship on trust and understanding with your customers. This bridge will lead to repeat, loyal customers, repeat hosts/hostesses, referrals and active recruits.
4) BRING IN THE HARVEST - Bring in your harvest, reap your rewards by always marketing your products and promoting yourself and your business everywhere you go. Never underestimate the power of branding and marketing yourself, and your products. If you want a harvest of sales & retail, plant those retail seeds. If you want a harvest of bookings and leads, plant those follow up calls and customer service seeds. If you want a harvest of recruits, plant those seeds of meetings, business opportunities, and sharing your business everywhere, with everyone.
Your dream keeps you going, even when you don't see anything yet! Prepare for your lift off!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Monday, October 7, 2013
The 3 S's In Communication
In Direct Sales, as well as in any area of our lives, there are 3 S's we should keep in mind when communicating and talking to others. If we make it a point to keep these 3 S's as a priority, we will learn to be effective communicators in every aspect of our lives!
1. Simplicity. Keep it simple. Talk to people in a simple way and make sure you have a point they can relate to.
2. Slowly. Say things slowly and clearly. Make sure they understand your point and can repeat it if needed.
3. Smile. Remember that non-verbal and body language is important. Your passion should shine through and they should be smiling when the conversation is over.
When we practice simplicity, say less and say it clearly, we are more effective in our connections with customers, hosts, team members and we basically become better communicators!
For more tips on effective communication, you can read John Maxwell's book:
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Attitudes In Behavior And Body Language
What does our body language tell others? As representatives of a brand, we are marketing and branding ourselves, from the way we dress, to how we act, and what our body language says about us counts too. Here's a checklist we need to evaluate and examine as we find ourselves talking to customers, hosts and recruits. What are we telling others through our body language?
What do these body language attitudes tell those you come in contact with?
Positive/Interested Cues:
Direct Eye Contact
Leaning Forward
Open Arms and Hands
Sitting relaxed with hands down
Negative/Uninterested Cues:
Non-direct Eye Contact, looking around at everything else
Selfless expressions/non smiles
Taking steps back, leaning back
Arms Crossed, fists clenched
Sitting upright, arms crossed, sitting on the edge of seat
Nonverbal feedback:
Boredom (yawning, fidgeting, rocking body, tapping fingers)
Evaluation and Interest (leaning forward, squinting, head tilting, nodding, smiling)
Anxiety (sighing, nail biting, twitching, scratching, clearing throat, rapid eye movement)
These are great body language cues we should be aware of for ourselves as we talk with others and as others talk with us!
Positive thoughts turn to positive actions which becomes a way of life.
Go get it! -Michelle Perez
If you are looking for a Direct Sales Company, Scentsy Family is an amazing company with amazing leaders that are revolutionizing the market and are branching out internationally. I would LOVE to sponsor you on my team and train you and help you with your business!
Please visit my website and feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from you!
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